100 Creativity Prompts
Discovering and harnessing creativity daily has really changed my life. It has given me new energy and appreciation for what is around me, who I am, who I love and what I do. Embracing my creativity and allowing it to expand has really opened up the channels for all of my work to flow through.
I have spent every day this year creating a page in a daily sketchbook. This process has pushed me past my own boundaries and allowed me to expand my own creativity. It now feels limitless.
$0.29 a day. That's how much it would cost you to learn to look at your life differently. For 250+ days I have been utilizing this system to encourage my creativity, to get into flow, and to see the world differently. You can learn to do this too. People pay me thousands of dollars to coach and consult for them, and I'm so excited to offer you this program at a low cost so you can learn to embrace your creativity, too.
100 days of Creativity for $29
01. The Prompts
There are 100 thought provoking prompts. They are intended to open up your mind, your senses and push you to think about things in a more abstract way that can then be translated into a creative endeavour. It is my hope that the prompts change your perspective on your day. The prompts are set up for daily use, in any order of your choice, they can be used as you feel them, as often as you want.
02. The Process
You might approach this project making physical art, like myself. But you might also do this with writing, with dancing, weaving, embroidery, with music making. Some people feel creativity, some see it, some hear it, some move with it. All of us harness creativity differently. This program is intended for you to find what Creativity is for you. And then grow it, expand it and embrace it.
03. The Limit Exchange
Finding the limit on your creativity can feel incredibly challenging and even scary, especially for a Creator. This process has pushed me past my own boundaries and allowed me to expand my own creativity. It now feels limitless. It is everywhere and in everything. It stretches my brain to think of the every day in a creative way. I see art where it doesn’t exist. It is expansive for me. There are no limits to what is possible. Especially when it comes to creating.
04. The Joy
Discovering and harnessing creativity daily has really changed my life. It has given me new energy and appreciation for what is around me, who I am, who I love and what I do. Embracing my creativity and allowing it to expand has really opened up the channels for all of my work to flow through. My hope is that you will find this freedom, too.